Friday, August 28, 2009

Beginners Stock Trading: Day, Swing, And Position Trades

It is important that you choose a trading strategy before you get too deep into beginners stock trading. You have to evaluate your financial goals, mindset, and time commitment. Failing to do so can end in disaster. There are three basic strategies that you can ascribe to. The primary differences are the amount of time you can commit to trading, and the amount of time you hold onto shares before selling. These methods are known as Day Trading, Swing Trading, and Position Trading

Day trading is the fastest-paced strategy, and subsequently, takes the largest time commitment, in beginners stock trading. In this strategy, you are buying stock and turning around and usually selling it within that same day. As a day trader, you look for large, quick moves in a stock price and try to capitalize on that movement. Also called scalping, the goal is to make quick gains by getting in, ride the upward movement, and getting out…all in a matter of minutes or hours. Rarely does a trade last a full day. Day traders typically look for significant happenings around the company, as those events can ignite the volatility that they’re after. Such events can include the announcement of mergers or partnerships, release of new products, positive results from product testing, or other noteworthy news. Many day traders look to the over the counter markets and penny stocks, as their moves and volatility can be even more pronounced. To be successful at making these quick trades you need to have a watchful eye, and plenty of time. A day of volatility can wipe out all of your profit, if you look away for too long. This method is typically left for the experienced investor with plenty of time available.

Swing trading is a medium-paced beginners stock trading strategy, requiring less time commitment than day trading. With this method, traders are buying stock and typically selling it within a couple days or holding it up to a couple of months. As a swing trader, you look for trends in a stock and try to tag along for that continuing movement. As with day trading, stock trends for swing traders stems from company news. Oftentimes, the same news that sparks a sharp upward trend that day traders seek will actually continue its influence at a less frantic pace. As trades last longer, swing trading takes less of a time commitment. Stocks should continue to be monitored, though not as closely as with day trading. Checking in once every day or two is typically sufficient.

Position trading is a long term strategy, requiring very little time commitment. This beginners stock trading strategy is typically used when monitoring retirement accounts, or saving for other long-term goals. Position traders buy stocks and hold it for months, if not years, before selling. A slow-and-steady gain is the name of this game. Industries that are growing, as a whole, would help narrow down your search. And certainly, well-established, blue chip stocks are best suited for this type of long term growth. Time commitment on these trades is minimal. Checking your account once a week is fine.

These beginners stock trading methods should be reviewed carefully. If you do not have the time to commit, then do not let the allure of a quick profit pull you to day trading. You will lose money if you cannot watch your trades! On the other end of the spectrum, do not monitor your position trades as you would your day trades. That can cause excess worry, and you may sell out too early, because of a small amount of volatility. Swing trading tends to fit most investors for beginners stock trading. It has the balance of a medium time requirement alongside a decent profit potential.

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